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MEET US AT: – Online Presentation, August 27th

PILA PHARMA’s Digital presentation & Q&A of Half-year report
CEO Gustav H. Gram will give a briefing of highlights from the half-year report and answer questions.

Please ask your questions and find the link for registration to the online live presentation (in English) here

Dansk Aktionærforening

DAF Aalborg  – Live Company Presentation, August 28th

Adm. Direktør Gustav H. Gram kommer til Aalborg og præsenterer for DAF. Hér vil han bl.a. berøre historien bag firmaet, markedsmulighederne, mulighederne for partnerskab/frasalg, kort opsummering af halvårsrapport der udgives dagen inden (27/08), fremtidsplanerne og potentielle interessante vinkler og kurs triggers for investorer

Find venligst linket til begivenheden her


International Diabetes & Nutrition Symposia, June 29th

Founder, Inventor, CSO and Chairman of PILA PHARMA, Dr. Dorte X. Gram presents the short PILA PHARMA story and rationale behind treatment of metabolic conditions with a TRPV1 / Capsaicin receptor antagonist, to the DNSG 2024 Symposium, the 41st International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition, which took place in Uppsala, Sweden on June 27th – 30th, 2024.

Please, find the link to the video (in English) here

Bio International Convention 2024

The CEO of Pila Pharma was recently interviewed by Vækstaktier, Denmark about his participation in BIO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2024, the largest and most comprehensive event for biotechnology, representing the full ecosystem of biotech with over 20,000 industry leaders from across the globe.

Find the link to the article and other articles about Pila Pharma (in Danish) on Væ

Aktiespararna June 12th, 2024

PILA PHARMA’s CEO, Mr. Gustav H. Gram presents the company.

Please, find the link to the video (in English) here

Pila Pharma Redeye Diabetes Day May 23rd, 2024

PILA PHARMA’s CEO, Mr. Gustav H. Gram provides an insight into the market and global trends for Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease that PILA aims to tap into. The presentation and Q&A is conducted in English.

Please, find the link to the video (in English) here April 22nd, 2024

Newly appointed CEO, Gustav H. Gram, hosts a Q&A with on PILA PHARMA’s changes with Founder Dorte X. Gram transitioning to Chairman of the Board and what changes and direction that investors can expect. The Q&A is conducted in English together with Anders Egsvang from

Please, find the link to the video (in English) here

We were incredibly honoured that the American Diabetes Association(ADA) featured PILA PHARMA AB in the Thought Leadership Film Series, a part of ADA’s 81st Scientific Sessions program in June 2021, starting today.

In the invitation letter, it was written: We are interested in profiling Pila’s pioneering research and development in the science surrounding TPRV1 inhibition, and how regulation of this mechanism has tremendous potential to be exploited for the treatment of diabetes.
Thank you so much to our scientific advisors Mark Evans and Jens Juul Holst for helping our previous CEO explain!

Watch the video (in English) here

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