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PILA PHARMA CEO explains potential of “chili receptor” as diabetes therapy

Dr. Dorte Gram, CEO of PILA PHARMA AB, one of Sweden’s youngest biotech companies, talks to Mike Ward, global director of content for Informa Pharma Intelligence’s insights portfolio, about PILA’s history, its novel diabetes technology and why we should keep an eye on its lead asset that will be taking off with clinical studies in the near future. PILA owns issued use-patents that give it exclusive rights to treat diabetes and obesity with antagonists of the TRPV1 receptor. The company has recently acquired the TRPV1 antagonist asset previously owned by Ario Pharma Ltd (Cambridge, UK). The TRPV1 target (also called the “chili receptor”) has previously been shown to have applications across pain and inflammatory diseases and is speculated to have a role in diabetes as well.


Please find below the link to Dr. Dorte Gram interview with Mike Ward – Global Director of Content, Pharma Intelligence, In Vivo/Pink Sheet/Scrip:

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