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Pila Pharma AB’s annual report for 2021 delayed

Malmö, March 22, 2022 Download the press release as PDF here Pila Pharma AB (publ) announces that the annual report for 2021, which was to be published on March 22, 2022, is delayed and will instead be published on March 23, 2022. The reason is that problems have arisen in the technical production of the annual report. The delay has…

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PHARMA AB – CEO Dorte X. Gram increases share holding

Malmö, Sweden, February 25, 2021 Download the press release as PDF here PILA PHARMA AB (publ) announces that CEO Dorte X. Gram on Monday and Tuesday, February 21 and 22, bought 18,878 shares in the company. The shares were purchased at an average price of SEK 5.39. The transaction took place through the company Gram Equity Invest, which she owns…

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PILA PHARMA AB – VD Dorte X. Gram ökar sitt innehav

Malmö, 25 februari, 2022 Läs pressmeddelandet som PDF här PILA PHARMA AB (publ) meddelar att VD Dorte X. Gram under måndagen och tisdagen den 21 och 22 februari köpt 18 878 aktier i bolaget. Aktierna köptes till en snittkurs om 5,39 SEK. Affären har skett genom bolaget Gram Equity Invest som hon äger tillsammans med sin son Gustav Hanghøj Gram. Dorte…

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